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PLEASE NOTE: Our Clinic Accommodates In Person Visits And Virtual. Our Consults, Testing & Natural Treatment Protocols Can Be Done Remotely From Anywhere. 

Don't Spend Another Day Feeling Lousy!

From the desk of Dr. Michael Williamson - Updated November, 2020!

For 16+ years we've been helping patients get to the ROOT CAUSE of their health challenges. We do not believe in a one size fits all "cookie cutter" approach! We believe each and every patient is unique and different...with different needs. 

Our country is sick and getting sicker. Right now 71% of the U.S. is overweight or obese! Projected to be 80% by 2020! We're trending in the wrong direction! What we're doing is NOT working! 

Not only do we have  weight loss resistance epidemic but we have an autoimmune epidemic. There are roughly 50 million Americans with an autoimmune condition of some sorts. There are roughly 140 varieties of an autoimmune condition. 

We have an ADHD epidemic. We have a low thyroid epidemic (i.e. Hashimoto's). 

We have an INFLAMMATION epidemic! 

Our Approach Is Unique!

We lean heavily on an approach that has 3 pillars. Sensitivities, deficiencies, & toxicities. 

For over a decade we've been objectively TESTING our patients. We'll look at FOODS and customize accordingly. We'll look at nutrient status and customize accordingly. We'll also look at toxicities. 

We believe that MOST health challenges are FOOD RELATED.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is very processed, pro-inflammatory, & TOXIC! 

By toxic I mean, high fructose corn syrup, nitrates, preservatives, MSG, trans fats, colors, dyes, artificial weirdness. 

Friend, if a food has 27 ingredients it's NOT A FOOD! It's BUILT! In a laboratory by a food chemist who has 1 make that food TASTE you come back from more and more. Simply trace the dollars. 

We have a saying in our clinics..."We Don't Guess...We TEST!"

We also MUST address the cellular inflammation with patients. 

INFLAMMATION is at the root cause of A LOT of health challenges. Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, chronic pain, stroke etc...these can all be traced back to INFLAMMATION being a primary culprit! 

So if we to get well...we MUST fix the cell and address toxicities. 

If you're sick of the medical run-around. 

If you're sick of seeing 1 specialist after another...and NOBODY is spending time with you to DIG towards a root cause...then please give our clinics a call for a 100% FREE consultation. 

No Cost - No Obligation! Even though a quick 10-minute phone consultation we'll be able to determine if you're a candidate for one of our treatment programs. 

Below what I'd like to do to is provide a few more details about conditions we specialize in and explain more about the services we offer. 

Again, we're a functional medicine based clinic. We work to dig, find, and fix the root cause of people's health challenges. We provide NATURAL HEALTH SOLUTIONS. This is a key factor you need to understand. That is our goal at natural health solutions. 

What Conditions Do We Specialize In?

[Click Below To Learn More]

Autoimmune Disease

Peripheral Neuropathy

Type 2 Diabetes


Lyme Disease

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Parkinson's Disease

Chronic Pain/Arthritis

Alzheimer's and Dementia

Our Methods of Healthcare

Functional Medicine is an individualized root cause medicine approach to healthcare. These practitioners consider factors like diet, genetics, hormonal changes, and other lifestyle components as potential causes and treatments for patients' diseases.

Functional medicine appointments are much more in-depth than a typical allopathic appointment. They include a detailed intake and a series of specialty labs to get a comprehensive overview of how well your body is performing.  Below are examples of just a few of the labs we use in our office.

Food Sensitivity / Food Allergy Testing

A food sensitivity or a food intolerance is caused by an inability to digest a food and occurs in the digestive tract and not the bloodstream, like a food allergy. Symptoms are “delayed onset”, where symptoms do not appear for hours or even days. Food sensitivities are not fixed, and can come and go during the course of one’s life.

Strangely, people often crave foods to which they are sensitive to. Some researchers suggest that our bodies can become addicted to the chemical messengers.

Messengers such as histamine or cortisol, which are secreted by immune cells in response to allergens in the body. The body may experience a soothing response from the presence of the chemical messengers, increasing the desire to eat more of that food.

Note that food sensitivities and allergies can change every year. Just because you’re diagnosed with a food sensitivity or allergy one year does not mean it will hold true for the rest of your life. This is why we encourage people to get tested at least once a year. 

Food Sensitivity VS Food Allergy

Food Allergy:

A food allergy is an exaggerated immune response triggered by eggs, peanuts, milk, or some other specific food. With a true food allergy the IgE portion of the immune system is being triggered. This is the IMMEDIATE reaction. A patient might eat strawberries and get an immediate rash on their face. The reaction is so fast that testing is not needed because it's easy to determine the "culprit". 

Food Sensitivity / Intolerance:

Food intolerance or non-allergic food hypersensitivity is a term used widely for varied physiological responses associated with a particular food, or compound found in a range of foods. This is the IgG portion of the immune system. It’s important to recognize the difference. 

We are testing for the DELAYED sensitivity response…not the immediate response. We’re testing the 10-12 hour...sometimes up to 72 hour immune response that patients cannot figure out on their own! The time frame is simply too much to do any sort of elimination diet which is why it's important to objectively test. 

Here is a sample report. We test roughly 100 foods to determine exactly how you react!

What Causes A Food Sensitivity?

Too much of one food. You can become sensitive to any food you eat too often. Many people eat a relatively small number of foods several times a day. For example, wheat, a common food sensitivity, is found in breakfast cereals, the bread used to make a sandwich at lunchtime, and the spaghetti eaten at dinnertime.

Leaky gut syndrome. The digestive tract plays a vital role in preventing illness and disease by providing an impenetrable barrier. When the lining of the gut is inflamed from a food sensitivity, small openings develop between the tightly woven cells making up the gut walls. This is called “leaky gut syndrome". With leaky gut syndrome, partially digested dietary protein can cross the intestinal barrier into the bloodstream. These large protein molecules can cause an allergic response, producing symptoms directly in the intestines or throughout the body. Additionally, hundreds of yeast and bacteria are released from the gut into the bloodstream where they set up infection anywhere, including muscles, joints, bones, teeth roots, coronary arteries, or even the brain. The early introduction of solid foods to infants before six months of age contributes to leaky gut syndrome and subsequent food allergies and sensitivities.

Deficiency of Probiotics. One of the causes of leaky gut is an absence of probiotics or ‘friendly’ bacteria in the intestines. The friendly bacteria help maintain the health of the intestines by producing fuel for intestinal cells and killing bad bacteria. Parasitic infections, treatment with antibiotics and other toxic pharmaceuticals, stress, poor diet (sugar and flour), smoking, alcohol, excessive hygiene, candida overgrowth and bottle-feeding your baby can disrupt the proper balance of friendly bacteria to bad bacteria.

Over-worked immune system. Constant stress, exposure to air and water pollution, and pesticides and chemicals in our food puts a strain on our immune system, making it less able to respond appropriately to the antigens in food.

Genetics. Food allergies and intolerances seem to be hereditary. Research indicates that if both parents have allergies, their children have a sixty-seven percent chance of developing food allergies. When only one parent is allergic, the child has a 33% chance of developing food allergies. Specifically, a person may inherit a deficiency of an enzyme like lactase, the enzyme that digests dairy. With nightshade sensitivities, there are ten genetic variants for susceptibility, not all individuals are affected equally or at all. A similar case can be made for other food sensitivities. Genetic variations predict the severity of your sensitivity.

Nutrient Deficiency Testing

While maintaining a balanced diet and taking multivitamins are great ways to be healthier, they’re not enough to achieve OPTIMAL nutritional balance. You are NOT what you eat, you are what you ABSORB and we're finding more and more people with GI challenges (IBS, leaky gut, Crohn's, gluten intolerance etc.) that aren't absorbing the key nutrients needed for optimal health. 

With our nutrient deficiency test, we can accurately and OBJECTIVELY assess what YOUR body needs, and what your diet is failing to provide. Everybody has different nutritional needs and we encourage patients NOT to guess with their health.

Deficiency testing identifies these "shortages" so we can work to compensate for them, either by making changes in your diet or by taking nutritional supplements.

By testing for nutrient deficiencies we can help you design a personalized plan for maintaining your overall health and increasing your level of wellness or finding an underlying ROOT CAUSE that's causing a health challenge.

Our nutrient deficiency testing looks at 34 different vitamins & nutrients.

Do You Have Cravings?

Cravings generally point to a nutrient deficiency! For example, if you crave SWEETS! This is typically a B-Vitamin deficiency. If you crave SALT...Zinc. If you crave CHOCOLATE...Magnesium! 

However, cravings also happen during dips in your blood sugar! 

Remember, the Standard American Diet (SAD) is very processed, inflammatory, & toxic! Too much sugar and too many things to turn to sugar! 

When you consume that sub sandwich for lunch...or pasta etc...this spikes your blood sugar, followed by the crash! It's during the crash where you crave more carbs / sweets / SOMETHING to get you through the day! 

Sound familiar? 

But what happens to the excess carbs? Well, if you're not strenuously exercising daily to burn it GETS STORED AS FAT!!



Tummy, hips, thighs, triceps, & face!

This is where your body abnormally stores fat! 

So we need to shift you OUT of the standard way of doing things. 

Chronic Pain / Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a new non-invasive solution for musculoskeletal and neuropathy pain. The extracorporeal shockwave therapy is frequently used in physiotherapy, orthopedics and sports medicine. Applications are mostly associated with treatment of chronic muscular and tendon disorders, back and neck pain. Most common indications include: peripheral neuropathy, painful or frozen shoulder, epicondylitis, low back pain, Achilles tendon pain, patellar tendonitis and trigger points.

Conditions Commonly Treated with Shockwave Therapy




















What's The Next Step?

Click To Schedule A Consultation With Dr. Williamson

Dr. Michael Williamson
Dr. Michael Williamson is a board certified functional medicine physician with over 400 hours of post graduate training in clinical nutrition and functional medicine. He graduated from the prestigious Functional Medicine University in 2012. Since then he has been in private practice in Columbia, MD. His true passion is helping patients achieve their optimal health potential through proper nutrition & supplementation. He specializes in food sensitivity testing. Thousands of people all over the country have reached a more optimal state of health because of his unique approach to finding the underlying cause of health problems.

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Natural Health Solutions

10015 Old Columbia Rd

Suite B-215

Columbia, MD  21046

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